
I'm bad as bad can be




Intermediate Healer (45)

Expert Hunter (180)

6 Years

01-16-2022, 03:02 AM
Her gaze brightened at his affirming words of Ullr, grateful that at least one of her cousins shared such a strong bond with the gods. Sometimes it felt like she was suffocating being around Sanngriðr and Róta for too long, especially on days where their lack of reverence for the gods was more obvious. At the idea of also hunting a sheep that they had scented she nodded. While they were out and about it would make sense to go hunt something else, but she'd have to wash the blood off first lest she alert the ungulates to their presence. "Two hunts in one day? Ullr would be proud."
She helped him drag the deer carcass back to camp, clamping down on a hind leg and clearing her mind to the menial task, not thinking about the way her muscles began to ache once they were within sight of home. When they finally released it, letting it flop on the ground, she stood back and let out a deep exhale. "Wash the blood off first or we'll be easier to detect, and you should rinse the scrape on your shoulder too," she said to Víðarr, already turning to head towards a nearby water source. The blood had begun to dry on her fur, congealing into clumps, with some areas already dried and flaking off.
It was only a quick dip of her front end into the water, using a forepaw to scrub at the worst of the blood, then stepping back and shaking all the water out of her fur. Some bits of blood still remained, but it was good enough. Turning to her cousin she would wait till he cleaned his wound before scenting the air to figure out where the sheep were. It seemed to be coming more from the east, and she shook out her head once more before raising her head and following the scents as they blew their way on the wind. Two hunts in one day would be just what the group needed.
When Iðunn's speech is in italics it means she's speaking in Swedish