
we are the storm and the wicked inside




Intermediate Healer (45)

Expert Hunter (180)

6 Years

01-16-2022, 03:24 AM
To see such a display of happiness from the man was pleasing, not to her but surely Sanngriðr as well. It meant he would thrive here, as long as they continued to nurture him where extra help was needed. But given the other woman's fiery and protective nature Iðunn had no doubts he would be well looked after, and she would do her best to make sure everything was all well with the gods for them, so that they could build up their new home using the blessings of the gods as guidance. Surely with all of that the group couldn't fail at their goal.
The silence stretched on between them, both of them deep in their own thoughts as they lay together, the only sound the soft scraping of teeth on hide. Finally, Víðarr spoke up again, bringing up a question that had her brows raising. She stared at him in her unblinking fashion, but it seemed as if his own attention was focused on the cleaning of the hide. A soft exhale left her, very much between a sigh and a snort as she thought over his words. A pack... it was a lofty goal to say the least. But the group was strong, and surely there were other like-minded wolves out there they could use to bolster their ranks. They could be very hospitable when it benefitted them, as evident by Barghest joining their motley crew.
"Something along the lines of you picked a good spot for it." Her words were quite even in tone, muzzle canted ever so slightly to the side. If he was bringing this up then it surely meant he was beginning to feel comfortable here, to which Sanngriðr would hopefully approve to learn of. "Have you given any thought to who else you'd need to recruit? We number too in few for a prosperous pack as of now," Iðunn continued on, finally blinking once, though her gaze had yet to leave his face. It would take much dedication and hard work, but she believed he was fit for the role, and would support him if he decided to go through with his idea.
When Iðunn's speech is in italics it means she's speaking in Swedish