
brave as a noun




3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31K
01-16-2022, 03:25 AM


Ah, there she was! Sneaking up behind, apparently satisfied that he wasn't interested in eating her. He could hear the subtle clicking of dainty claws on the hard floor, coming up behind him from wherever she had been hiding out. Rather than turning immediately, he tucked his head between his elbows to peer at the child between his legs. She was a tiny thing, and wearing... were those goggles? Luminescent eyes blinked once, twice, in consternation. That was definitely a new one. The cinnamon pelted youngster announced that if he was not mean, then it would be fine for them to explore together. A lopsided grin played at his features as he lifted his head again, pausing for a second while the blood rushed away from his brain. "Why thank you, gracious adventurer." he drawled amiably, taking a step to side that would allow the young girl some space to sidle up beside him and walk with him. Without much further ado, he picked his pace back up and set to the matter at hand. Checking out whatever might be lurking in dark corners and weathered drawers. If he didn't corner the little one there was a better chance of her losing some of that trepidation about being around him.

The girl spoke up again, this time about the armour he had so recently gotten his paws on. With his claws busy prying open a particularly warped wooden drawer to an overturned desk, he could only glance over with a decidedly glazed over expression while he processed what had come out of her mouth. "Oh," he said dumbly, gathering his thoughts to come up with a halfway decent response. "well, I don't go looking for bad wolves to fight, but if they put my home at risk I fight them." he replied with a small shrug, and followed up by giving another hard tug to the old wood. It came away rather sharply, and splintered in the areas where his claws had been hooked into the material for purchase. Pushing the ruined wood away with that same paw, he peered into the shadowy depths. Illuminated by his pale eyes, he could see that there was nothing interesting aside from some mould growing at the back of the drawer.

"What about you, what do you use your goggles for? Swimming?" he questioned with a good natured grin on his face, taking a half step back so that he could turn around and search for something more interesting to root around in.