
I'm bad as bad can be




Intermediate Healer (45)

Expert Hunter (180)

6 Years

01-16-2022, 03:38 AM
Satisfied with how her cousin had cleaned his shoulder, she shifted her thoughts from him to the tantalising scent in the air, gauging that it would take them in the direction of the mountains. Víðarr had seemingly come to the same conclusion as her, evident by the gruff words he spoke at her. If she had been anything but calm, collected, and serious, she might have rolled her eyes at him, but she understood the importance behind the serious tone. Sheep were much better suited to the mountainous topography than they, and one slip was all it would take for a couple of broken bones, or even death.
Iðunn gently brushed her side up against his with a low purr in her throat, meeting his gaze for just a second as she nodded at him to show she would be careful, and heed his instructions. While she knew how to hunt and fight, those were not her priority tasks, and so would leave those final decisions to him due to his greater experience. She followed closely behind him, taking note as the terrain became more rugged and dangerous, but perhaps it could be used to their advantage. "If you were to perch upon a large boulder, I could chase a suitable target your way, and you can jump on it from above?" With his large weight he could certainly crush a sheep beneath him, and it would hopefully make it easier to take it down rather than risking it turning around and trying to fight them if they cornered it or caught up to it.
As they reached a small group of young males she slowed her pace, body crouching as she stretched out her limbs in slow and careful steps, eyes narrowing once she caught full sight of the sheep. One of the males had a good set of horns on him, large and unbroken, but not too curled that it would be impossible to use or carry around, and she let out a whisper of a noise to alert Víðarr to it. She had a few ideas of what to use the horns for, one of which being filling with mead during a festival, and so taking one down with a good set on its head without breaking the horns in the process was just as imperative to her as harvesting the meat from it.

Hunting 1/3
When Iðunn's speech is in italics it means she's speaking in Swedish