
Always had a vision



01-16-2022, 03:41 AM

As they gained in strides, pushing themself in line with Bismuth, the focus became less on hitting the finish line, and more on getting themself ahead of their competitor. Like any of their clan, the smaller wolf was sure footed as a goat on the crags of the ridge. They could only just make out the male's ragged breathing over the sound of their own panting, and the rush of blood in their ears. The snow hadn't melted this high up, and so they were making sure to only put their feet down in areas where the ground that might lay beneath was likely to be covered in gravel and dirt. Stepping onto smooth slate, or exposed rock, might lead to s slip. The sunlight tended to melt the surface layers of ice and frost that accumulated on everything overnight, so any exposed stone became a skating rink by midday. Soil and gravel was churned up into the air by the flight of heavy paws as they thundered towards the end of the race. Tongue lolling from their thick jaws, the giant felt the tears streaming down their cheeks as the cold air swept over their features at high speeds.

There was only a handful of metres between the racing wolves and their predetermined end point. Up ahead, the dark stone of the ridge stretched upwards in rough, broken spires that swept suddenly towards the sea instead of straight ahead. That was the end, and it was neck in neck! The swift snap of a dark muzzle towards them, and then away again, was met with another bout of delighted laughter. Bismuth was trying to see if they'd given up yet! Snowflake drew from the last reserves of their strength, and took a few more bounding leaps towards the exposed stone up ahead. One final leap, and the mountain wolf aimed to collide with the thickest part of their monolithic finish line. Aiming to turn the steep incline of the exposed stone into a runaway ramp, their forepaws stretched for the cold rock face with the hind paws already splaying to catch the rest of their weight for the last few strides that it would take to slow down on that slope.

Snowflake vs Bismuth for Race

Round 2/2

Age: 1+ years

Size: Extra large

Build: Heavy

Skills: Beginner Navigator & Beginner Intellectual

((WC: 374) TOTAL: 1704 / 1500 -- GOAL MET!)