
Under the Cypress Trees



7 Years
08-20-2013, 03:27 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Late afternoon sunlight fell warmly across the she-wolf as she sat upon the empty shoreline, enjoying the feel of the sand beneath her paws while it would last. The tide had finally receded to expose the beach for exploration, and having waited for this moment Tahlia wasted no time in finding herself a good place to relax. Unfortunately, it was only a temporary arrangement. The tide was a fickle thing, always changing, always receding only to return, and so her time was limited. Of course, it was also limited by the responsibilities she had toward her pack, the kingdom of Seracia that neighbored this marine location, but thoughts brought up by the home she had chosen were not of a particularly pleasant manner.

It was those thoughts that still plagued her even here, causing the brow upon her face to lower itself into a troubled frown while her golden eyes stared out across the waters, listening to the waves as they rolled lazily upon the shore and wishing they were loud enough to prevent further thought. The sour taste still lingered inside her mouth at the reflections she made, a bittersweet mixture of happy and sad. She had been willing to admit to herself that she had taken a liking to Bane very soon after meeting him, finding his rugged appearance and matching personality to be surprisingly appealing to her. But she could still hear his promises to her, followed by the promises he had made to another. Her breath rushed out of her lungs in a heavy, sharp exhale, still offended that he had thought it right to pledge himself to her and then announcing not all of his time would be her own. Temporary or not, she was too proud to not take that as a slight, and so she was still left waiting, wanting, alone when she might have finally found herself the beginnings of a new life.

Suddenly the shoreline was simply not stimulating enough. The waters were too quiet, the surf too gentle; none of it was proving to be distracting enough to keep those troublesome thoughts at bay. Pulling herself from her reverie, the russet and black she-wolf rose swiftly to her paws and turned on her heel, head low as she padded up the empty shoreline and closer to the cypress trees that grew there. If she could not find solace here upon the beach, the place she often went when she needed some time to herself, she would find somewhere else to wander and keep her thoughts preoccupied.