
Heiðinn Pack Interest Check <3

viking pack doing viking things <3



Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

7 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverUnderachieverRapid Poster - BronzePride - PansexualDouble MasterSamhain 2022
Statue 1 Worship1K
01-16-2022, 09:53 AM (This post was last modified: 01-30-2022, 01:01 PM by Víðarr. Edited 6 times in total.)
Hey hi, what's up, hello-- I've had this pack idea since I joined Víðarr and started poking people to join the Trygg family, but now the idea is actually fleshed out enough to post lmao. Víðarr is still a ways off of being able to form/challenge for a pack slot, but I figured I'd get this up so he can start building relationships with anyone who'd want to join.

Home: Mile High Woods & Red Forest
Alignment: neutral with chaotic asf leanings
Characters that fall on the "good" or "lawful" side of the spectrum won't be disallowed, but they likely will not fit in and will not feel comfortable. There will be high expectations for all members of the pack, with ample opportunity provided to really shine-- they'll be extremely active raiders (vikings duh), pack meetings will be once a season (and act as a mandatory activity check), and hold three public festivals a year.

Overall, there are very few true laws within the pack. Don't be a douche, do your job, show up to meetings... that's really it. The Trygg family comes from a strong religious background and though there is no religion requirement to join the pack, they do have priests worked into the pack dynamic when it comes to roles. While the Trygg family speaks primarily Swedish, there's no language requirement to join either.

For every rank above thralls (slaves), the hierarchy for the pack will be extremely flat. There are extremely few privileges that come with rank, only additional responsibility. Everyone has the right to voice their opinion and be heard. All ranks may be challenged for at any time, for pretty much any reason-- but any dice roll challenges are held as a best of three.

If anyone wants to view the full version of the pack info, here's a link to the google doc that I've been working in: click
Keep in mind that this is a draft, so nothing has been edited for brevity/content/clarity lmao. Also rank titles are by no means finalized, and I add/make edits to this all the time

I'm also going to use this document to keep a running list of the characters who are interested, and update with commitments closer to the time Víðarr is eligible to officially create the pack. Currently he and his family are camped out near The Wall as they adjust to Boreas, and I'd love to get him out and meeting new characters, as well as starting to recruit. If you have any questions feel free to reply here or message wicked on Discord<3

Committed: Víðarr, Sanngriðr, Iðunn, Róta, Auðr,
Interested: Úlfr, Grïmmjow