
Lupus in Fabula

Tamsyn ♡


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
01-16-2022, 08:10 PM
Tamsyn had watched Kane's tracking and hunting of his long time target increase over the last several days and she was just waiting for him to tell her when it was time at this point. In a way it had been a small blessing in disguise that he had been kept away for most of the day while he followed and observed the giant dire wolf. All of those tale tell symptoms that she had experienced with her first pregnancy had begun to creep back in on her, turning her stomach and sapping her energy for portions of the day. It caused an overwhelming relief and joy that they had actually been able to conceive a litter of their own even though she had begun to worry that maybe it was too late and she had grown too old and her window of time had passed. She went through nearly her whole heat season before finally getting pregnant right at the end. At first when she realized it and had Gwynevere confirm her first instinct was to rush to Kane and tell him the good news, but she stopped herself. This hunt for the dire wolf that had killed his previous partner was important to him and she knew that if they could finally put this to rest then they could both move on. She was afraid of him going on his own and she knew that if he found out she was pregnant then he would refuse to allow her to accompany him further.

She had her daughter give her some herbs to help combat her symptoms so that she could hide them more easily from her mate and was careful to make excuses and slip away whenever she couldn't help the morning sickness that seemed to be hitting her even more strongly than the first time. Luckily this day she was feeling pretty good when Kane came to get her, leading her out to the southern part of Auster with he knife he had carefully crafted at the ready. She listened as he explained everything he had observed and where they would need to go, nodding in agreement. She knew how important this was and knew how long he had waited for this moment so she was more than happy to drop everything and come with him on this mission. She was just as eager to see him have his revenge and his closure as she was sure he was eager to have it. They got all the way to the southern tip of Auster till the trail brought them to a thick maze of bamboo that looked daunting to enter even regardless of the fact that there was a massive killer living somewhere within it.

She was already looking at the maze uncertainly before Kane turned to face her. She brought her mint gaze up to his hazel one and saw the worry etched deeply in his features. She fully understood his concern and his desire for her to not accompany him into the maze. He didn't want her fate to match that of his previous betrothed, but she held the same fear as well. She couldn't imagine a worse fate than losing Kane and ending up a widow for a second time—especially not when she was carrying their children. She couldn't imagine raising them without him. So even though she was just as worried about walking into this fight, she knew she couldn't let him do it alone. She shook her head and looked up at him with determination. "No. I'm coming with you," she insisted. "I'd never forgive myself if something happened to you that I could have helped prevent. But I'll be extremely careful and I'll stay out of the worst of the fight. I promise." She wouldn't risk her life or their children's lives unnecessarily.

"Tamsyn Carpathius of the Valley"