
mere mortals




Master Fighter (245)

Advanced Hunter (103)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
01-16-2022, 08:57 PM
The fawn-colored beast screeched as a black flash emerged from seemingly nowhere, gripping the wildcat’s hind leg in her grasp. Usago\i glanced towards the woman who’d launched the attack, with a nonverbal glance in gratitude. He normally never showed emotion, but he supposed letting it show when words weren’t possible wouldn’t hurt, either. The cougar shifted around towards the she-wolf as her attack made purchase, swiping at her with a furious unsheathed paw. Usagi promptly swung down the cat’s opposite shoulder, gripping its massive forearm in his own teeth. Of course, the cougar retaliated with an attempt at snapping its jaws towards his scruff. He winced as its fangs ounctured his loose neck fur, blood oozing down his charcoal pelt as he wrenched himself free from its grasp. Instead, he hit the animal right where it would hurt, just like with the lion and bear he’d fought - jab it in the eyes. A well-placed leap onto the beasts cranium, and he managed to twist around so as to dig his nails into its orbits. Though, just as he’d managed to graze the beast’s gaze, it flung him off at the right moment, likely sending the she-wolf off in the process. Battered and bruised, but still in one piece, the koi wolf shook his bloodied pelt as his pent-up range combined into a fierce, guttural snarl at the cougar. If the woman wished to follow, he provided her enough space to launch her own attack on the predator, while he aimed for the short-pelted cougar’s neck, clamping his jaws down and hoping to rip around enough to subdue it somewhat. His effort and the charcoal stranger’s combined would at least force the creature to flee, at the very least.


wishing there was something left to lose
this could be the day i die for you—