
Splish Splash I was Taking a Bath

Alastor <3


"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
01-16-2022, 09:04 PM

Alastor couldn't think of any time in his life when he'd had more fun than when he was in the throes of passion and lust with Manea. That lecherous grin on her lips, the way she looked at him like he were the most perfect being in the universe—with or without fur—and all the things she did to him that showed him just how hot and deep her love for him ran send waves of fire through his bloodstream. At his insistence that she take advantage of him while she could, Alastor groaned when he felt Manea push herself more firmly back into him with her silken softness of her tail brushing back and forth over some very sensitive and firm parts of himself beneath the fur blankets. The dark-furred brute bit his lip to try and stifle another moan while her wonderful tail trailed over his thighs and slowly entwined with his own bare tail, wrapping it up in her rich violet fur. Without any fur, every touch of her own coat against him felt even more incredible, like the sensitivity on his skin and nerves had been cranked up to 11. It was exceedingly erotic and arousing and it had Alastor squirming and twitching gently beneath his soul mate's lustful ministrations.

Manea asserted that she'd take full advantage of every part of him for the rest of their days, her voice husky and breathless against his throat before she began to pepper his delicate skin with kisses and nibbles up his throat to his jaw. Alastor's breathing hitched, the grin on his face never faltering while his mate smothered him in little needy affections. The next thing he knew, Manea's mouth was crushing down to his, her tongue finding its way into his maw while he greeted it with his own and a deep, guttural groan for her. Her hips continued to press and work against his own beneath the furs, both keeping him warm and also stoking his need and desire into a raging wildfire. Their kiss broke some moments later, leaving Alastor breathing faster and harder while Manea lifted herself up until she was sitting in his lap, grinning up at the fire he saw in those gorgeous aqua eyes. Her paws on his chest kept him pinned in place, unable to do anything but enjoy the way she pleased him and worked them both up. The fur that had been hanging around her shoulders slid down her perfect nubile body, gathering around the curves of her hips and waist with every languid movement she made against him.

Manea had always been a veritable goddess of sex and fertility to him, but in this moment, with the way she was straddling his lap and looking down at him while she worked herself against him, Alastor had never been more in awe and in love with her. His paws flexed over her hips, doing nothing to impede her motions, savoring everything she did to him and for him. Together, the two lecherous wolves kept this lustful dark fire burning between them in perpetuity, its embers never fading nor going out. She was everything he ever wanted, ever needed, ever fantasized of. The way she looked at him with nothing less than a primal hunger made that need clench deep in his gut, especially when her paws began to follow her eyes and roam over his body, tracing every curve, dip, and line of definition on his muscles. If her goal had been to make him feel manly and sexy, she'd accomplished that and then some! Alastor's thoughts were cut off then when he felt Manea shift her hips back just right to take him into her, his face contorting in a silent groan as he gave a deep sigh of bliss and satisfaction. That expression grimaced a bit when her claws bit into his skin at long last, mixing pleasure with pain and taking him for one hell of a ride. Together, the two of them lost themselves in their own unique blend of wild, passionate mating, and neither would end the night without some fresh marks on their bodies.

- fade -

"Alastor Mendacium"

Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.
