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Master Fighter (245)

Advanced Hunter (103)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
01-16-2022, 09:13 PM
Usagi wasn’t expecting Hattori to say what he said next, and even his cool, ollected chartrueze gaze widened ever so slightly at the prospect. Travel with me and I will arrange a meeting for you. His first instinct was to agree to the proposition, but a side glance to Kuroo and he stopped himself. This had to be an agreed on answer. He couldn’t decide for Kuroo. They had to decide together, even if the answer was a painfully obvious, resounding yes. He was blunt, but not entirely selfish. His brother came first in all things related to life-changing matters such as meeting their true father. The Shogun continued and the flop-eared koi listened carefully. If nothing else, you deserve answers. What you do after that is up to you.

He was somewhat surprised to see the towering male appear at least empathetic to their mission, and their struggle. Indeed, the absence of their father in their lives, and being unsure of their identities, and where they belonged, created a gaping hole. They had little idea of their true bloodline besides their mother’s side, and knew next to nothing about what answers their father held for them. Usagi demanded answers, and he’d adovcate for both him and his brother if it meant they’d get the closure they deserved. They had to sit with infinite questions about who they were for what felt like a lifetime, and beyond. As Hattori stepped back, giving the brothers space to discuss their next actions, Usagi leaned towards Kuroo and dipped his voice lower. "This is what we’ve been searching for all this time, haven’t we?" He murmured. "A chance to receive the answers to all the questions we’ve asked ourselves. A chance to find out who our father is, and who we are in return." He allowed his words to fade, giving Kuroo the chance to respond with his own agreement. Or not. It was his choice, Usagi wouldn’t force him along if he had a change of heart, though they were both fairly certain they wished to meet their father. It was the core of their mission.

Straightening up after allowing Kuroo the chance to discuss with him their options, Usagi glanced up at the dire-sized Shogun and said, "If my brother agrees, we will go with you." Unless Kuroo had anything to say, he’d cast his eyes upon the male he’d been observing as the taller male had been observing him, too, ready for anything to happen. The pod of whales that cried their singing bellows faded into the distance, though their rumbles seemed to shake the earth with a firm resounding thud. As if they, too, were crying out for the truth.


wishing there was something left to lose
this could be the day i die for you—