
welcome to existence



08-20-2013, 04:49 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

It was done. She could hardly believe the births had been so easy, so effortless, and Ocena's tight hold on her composure throughout the whole ordeal only made the timid healer admire her more. Three beautiful bundles of joy to join the first litter. She could only imagine the excited faces that would surely spread amongst the older siblings, silently wishing she could play witness to it all. But that felt like a breach on the personal space the family needed, particularly at this time. A gentle chuckle slipped from her muzzle as Ocena remarked on the timing, though in her own opinion it could have been much worse. "I'm glad I could be here for you," she stated, giving a slow nod of respect for the other woman. She could only hope that, when the time came, her own delivery would go as smoothly.

At long last Gargoyle arrived. Seeing his heavy frame take up the majority of the den's opening, Mercianne offered the second-time father a congratulatory smile, tail wagging faintly as she shuffled a little away from the prostrate mother to allow them both room. Such a happy sight, she mused as she watched her leader fawn over his new children, his wife, enjoying the happiness he had been rewarded with. And he most certainly deserved it. Their pack had been through many hard times, many hard moves, and it only seemed fair that everything in this instance should have worked out as well as it had.

Though the sight of the male did bring about another minor detail she had been trying not to dwell on, a certain figure that had withdrawn himself from her life rather suddenly. Where was Awaken? Would he return before the pups were born? Did he even plan on returning to them? Feeling her heart grow heavy at the thought, she knew it was time to take her leave, not wishing to dampen the elated mood that had settled amongst the members of the immediate family. Getting to her paws, the pregnant Mercianne managed another wag of her tail before she addressed both Gargoyle and Ocena. "I think it's time I go," she murmured quietly, more than happy to let them have their time alone, "is there anything more I can do for you?"