
I may tell you to run




Advanced Healer (100)

Beginner Fighter (0)

3 Years

Pride - BisexualSamhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
01-16-2022, 11:56 PM

In time, they would know. In time, they would feel. In time, they would understand the gravity of what had really transpired leading up to and shortly following their birth. Ivy would be bitter then, but not now. For now he is simply a sad boy, sitting out in the dark, wrapped in the comfort of his mother's song. The songs were among what remained of his mother, and Ivy would guard them fiercely, with his whole heart. There wouldn't be any forgetting. There couldn't be any forgetting.

The voice came-- one of his half siblings. One of his half brothers. The concept of half anything didn't really make sense... they were brothers, but not. Ivy decided (pretty much decided then and there, honestly) that half brothers were as good as regular brothers, and he'd drop the whole "half" thing entirely. No, they would be just brothers, as far as he could tell. Well... maybe? Was that an alright thing to just assume? Maybe he'd ask Kore. Whatever, though. Just brothers (and sisters, for that matter) weren't anywhere near as good as twin brothers, and that much he was entirely, one hundred percent sure of. If there was going to need to be any sort of line drawn (a lightly sketched, dotted line), it would be with him and Lo on one side, and everyone else on the other. It wasn't that they were any less important, just that Lotus was more. At least it made sense in Ivy's head.

Kore's whisper reached the boy, and he nodded. He was already awake, so why not. He moved from the den on quiet paws, looking from his brother to the sky itself. "Woah, the moon looks really... close." Was close the right word, the word that he wanted? Not necessarily. But it was good enough, Ivy decided. It looked closer than usual, full and bright where it hung in the sky. Things were different in the dark, but in the quiet night within fireside, they were safe.