
Hungover much?




5 Years
Extra large

All Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31K
01-17-2022, 01:01 AM

Artisan had been woken early by the sun, which was weird as fuck seeing as there was not much sunlight down in the cells. He had sat up to find himself put to bed in a room unfamiliar to him and spent the remainder of the morning trying desperately to recall what had led to it. Snippets of memory returned to him slowly, and as the door to the room began to open, Artisan found himself expecting it to be Artorias for another round of horseshoes. The woman who'd crossed the threshold was definitely not Artorias - even Art's beer goggles weren't that good - but she was not an unwelcome visitor either.

The might-be-hungover, might-still-be-drunk pirate threw himself back onto the bed, stretching out his limbs wide on the sheets and sighing pleasantly, though the quick movement brought his head to spin. "I take back everything I ever said about this place, Artorias is the best man I've ever met - first the feast and games, now he sends me a woman?" His words were spoken to the ceiling, and after a moment of pleasant reflection he figured he should reply to hers. "I'm never a drunken mess," He gave back with a teasing grin. "did the Aegis have some trouble handling his alcohol?"

The pirate rolled himself out of the sheets and off the side of the bed, stumbling directly into the nearby wall. His paw came up and then gave a few hearty pounds upon the stone. "Good morning, best friend!" The man yelled, his muzzle near pressed against the wall as he did everything he could to get his voice through. What were drinking buddies for, if not to harass you when the hangover comes?

Message sent (but probably not received), Artisan slouched back down against the wall until the majority of his back was pressed against the cool stone. For good measure he leaned back his head, finding the chill a pleasant sensation in his aching skull. It occurred to him belatedly where he truly was, and shifted his gaze toward the wolf in a question. "Is this my new cell now, or are you here to take me back?" It had been a fun night but, Artorias had not explicitly 'freed' him, perhaps they merely didn't have enough wolves willing to attempt to drag an unconscious pirate back down the stairs, and decided it was safer to transport him to a guest room until he woke. The thought was sobering, but he attempted to keep his smile from faltering for the strangers' sake.


Artisan wears multiple twine bracelets around his forelegs, each one with different colored homemade marble-like beads upon it. Each bead corresponds to a wolf who he has met and decided deserved a place on his wrist, and thus he might ask your character for a lock of fur, etc to add to his creation to remember your character by.

Unless otherwise stated, you can assume he is wearing them at all times.
Artisan's companions are two blue and yellow macaws, their names are Siri(F) and Cisco(M) and while they can be assumed to always be nearby, they're likely out of sight.