
Tell Me All About It

Rava Healing Seasonal


"Though She Be But Little, She Is Fierce"


Master Fighter (285)

Master Healer (335)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

4 Years

TeacherDouble MasterSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipStudent1K
Snake Eyes
01-17-2022, 01:56 AM
The warm afternoon sun finds the small, monochromatic pup chasing seagulls across the shoreline. For now, life is simple and filled with happy moments for Seere, meaning most of her days are spent exploring and having fun. Right now, the seagulls caw their displeasure at the pup’s attempts to race them, circling and flapping furiously at her. Now, in Seere’s mind, ‘racing’ means she runs towards a group the ornery birds, barking and yipping gleefully, forcing them to take flight. It is a lot of fun, well, to the monochromatic pup it is, and she has spent the majority of the morning playing this exciting game. As the sun reaches its peak in the sky, Seere’s small legs are starting to grow tired and her stomach complains at the lack of food.

Paws slow as the pup casts her eyes back toward the entrance that leads to their den, expecting to find mommy in her place. Mother usually watches her while plays in the sand but the pup’s mismatched eyes cannot find the familiar form. Something stirs in the pup’s gut and it isn’t just hunger. It is a sort of… uneasiness. Like something just isn’t quite… right. So, when her duel-toned gaze does not find her mother’s figure, Seere immediately gives up her fun and games, opting instead to move hastily and find her missing mom. Fear tickles the back of brain, threatening to overwhelm and sink its claws into the small pup. Tiny paws attempt to move faster but, to Seere, it feels like it takes forever.

As the seconds tick slowly by, the fear grows, digging its talons in… deeper and deeper. After what feels like an eternity but, in reality, was only a few minutes, Seere crosses the threshold into the dark tunnel. Skidding to a stop to rapidly blink her eyes to try and get them to adjust faster. Standing in the foyer, the scared pup sniffs the air, in an effort to find the scent that means home and hugs… the scent that belongs to her mother Rava. Once her eyes have adjusted, small paws move down the tunnel to their den, cautiously sniffing the air in hopes the scent will appear. As she makes a turn in the tunnel, the scent finally reaches her nose and the fear melts away.

Calling out to Rava, Seere says, “Momma, momma! Are you okay? Where’d you go?” Paws once more race toward their den and the wolf that is waiting there. Once she arrives, her mismatched eyes find the nebula cloaked form of Rava, hunched over and sad. Quickly, the monochromatic pup darts into her mother’s arms pressing her small body against the strong woman in an attempt to give her comfort. After a moment, Seere tries to capture her mother’s silver gaze with her own duel toned eyes. Once she is looking at the pup, the concerned pup asks, “Mommy what’s wrong? You left so quickly and you’re sad. Did I do something wrong?” Seere then nuzzles into Rava, trying to figure out what is wrong so she can fix it.

WC: 516
Total: 516

"Seere Abraxas-Destruction"

Seere has a male Pallas's cat named Paunch and a female barn swallow named Aisling. They are always nearby.