
Hungover much?




5 Years
Extra large

All Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31K
01-17-2022, 02:00 AM

The woman seemed amused, her light chuckles catching Artisan's ear and widening his smile slightly. It was easier to find his true nature in a guest room rather then a cell, and he'd always been one to want to make the wolves around him happier. Her response to his question was vague, but he found enjoyment in the confirmation just as well as he would with details to the story. "We definitely discovered who's better at horseshoes last night." He gave a hard laugh, and then a soft sigh.

Artorias was still out of commission, it seemed, buying him a bit longer within the guarded guest room. "Eh, he makes his better decisions when he's drunk." Artisan argued. "Sober Artorias kidnapped me, drunk Artorias tried to take me to bed." His own words brought yet another laugh from the pirate, though more out of fondness then depreciation. The pirate was not lying when he'd told the man that he'd pushed off the drunken advances for his own good. "I was entertained, too." He added, his smile growing crooked. "Can I ask your name, or is that something captives aren't allowed to do? I'm afraid I'm not very good at this whole, incarceration thing." At least this wolf was not one of the ones he'd peed on in his rebellious-cell phase.


Artisan wears multiple twine bracelets around his forelegs, each one with different colored homemade marble-like beads upon it. Each bead corresponds to a wolf who he has met and decided deserved a place on his wrist, and thus he might ask your character for a lock of fur, etc to add to his creation to remember your character by.

Unless otherwise stated, you can assume he is wearing them at all times.
Artisan's companions are two blue and yellow macaws, their names are Siri(F) and Cisco(M) and while they can be assumed to always be nearby, they're likely out of sight.