
Don't Let Me Down




Advanced Hunter (75)

Expert Healer (155)

10 Years
Dire wolf

01-17-2022, 03:42 PM

Bowen greeted him with a friendly enough smile, but in her rich emerald eyes, Kane saw the uncertainty and trepidation she felt within. He was a stranger to her, and he was building a life with her mother. She no doubt held the same apprehension towards him that Artorias had when he arrived. She mentioned that the stars don't speak to her, only the sea does, and Kane gave a quiet "aah" of understanding. "A daughter of the sea..." he mused with a chuckle. "No doubt you love your home's proximity to the coast then." Bowen gave her name in equal introduction, but as she had guessed, both wolves already knew of one another. "I do," he confirmed with a short nod and warm smile in her direction. "Your mother speaks fondly of you. Her explorer. You and your siblings are her entire world." In fact, it was her love for her children that had brought her and Kane together in the first place after he'd saved Gwynevere's life.

Kane glanced down to the littler fae once more when she turned to face him and stare up at him with those wide green eyes. He offered her the respect of turning to face her as well, tawny ears perked on his head while he consumed and considered every word she spoke. She was uncertain about him because of his relationship with Tamsyn. Any other wolf might have been offended, but Kane simply gave Bowen a gentle smile. She was an adult expressing her thoughts and feelings, and so he would treat her with the respect and courtesy she deserved. After all, this had been her home long before it was his. "I would be more surprised if you were completely unfazed by this change, actually. It's only natural to feel unease when things you are used to shift so dramatically and unexpectedly. But it takes a very kind-hearted spirit to look past her own unease for the benefit of one she loves." Kane was constantly amazed by the children Tamsyn had raised, how mature they had grown to be, how pure of heart and caring.

"You know, you and your brother are very alike. Artorias didn't care much for me when I first arrived at the Hallows, even less when Tamsyn and I became romantic. It's humorous to me, but it also makes me so very glad to know Tamsyn has you looking out for her." Kane looked away from her so his hazel eyes could study the constellations and systems in the sky overhead, feeling the overwhelming urge to sing to the heavens. "I must admit that it felt strange to me as well. I struggled to find a way to fit in with Tamsyn that didn't feel like I was usurping something that wasn't mine, or stepping where I shouldn't. But like you, I only want to see Tamsyn happy." Turning a crooked grin back down to Bowen, he added, "If nothing else, that means we have at least one thing in common."

Kane tipped his muzzle back to the sky and released a slow howl, serenading the evening sky in prayer for a moment. Half of his heart still expected to hear the songs of his tribe echo back to him. Silence only answered back, as it had for the past five years. "What would you like to know about me, little bird?" he asked Bowen, settling down on his belly across the soft grasses to get comfortable. He had a feeling this heart to heart would take some time, and for the Carpathius children, he was an open book. "And what would you tell me about yourself, Bowen?"


As his mate, Tamsyn may enter his threads not marked as Private.