
I may tell you to run




Master Fighter (245)

Expert Intellectual (165)

An icon representing the specialty Unarmed Unarmed

4 Years

Critical Fail!Ooh La La
01-17-2022, 04:44 PM
Bright blue eyes watch the ice-hued form of his brother as the purple waits to see if he will get show his sibling the wonders the night holds. Quietly Ivy moves forward, coming to stand next to the purple pup while speaking of the moon being close. Kore offers his brother a warm smile, dipping his head in agreement and says, “Every night it seems to get bigger. I have a special spot to watch it from. Want to see?” Turning away from the den, Kore starts to lead Ivy further from the den. Moving silently through the grass, the galaxy-clad pup looks to his icy-hued sibling and says, “There are so many different things to hear as well. Just wait.”

Flashing Ivy a smile, Kore leads his brother to a well-worn spot in the grass atop a knoll. He stops in the middle of the small circle and motions for the ice-kissed sibling to sit with him. Once Ivy is settled, they purple boy tilts his head back to look up the moon. With his eyes on the celestial body, Kore whispers softly, “Now… listen.” For a moment the night is still as the creatures that inhabit this area silently decide if the pups are a threat. A moment passes and then, the symphony begins. Softly, the crickets start singing their songs, their confidence slowly building as the minutes pass. A high-pitched squeaking sound is heard as a swarm of bats move across the starry sky.

Even in the air, the bats appear to dancing. Instead of flying in a straight line, they fly forward and circle, then dip down and turn. They move in time to some strange music that only they can hear. Grass rustles near the pups and a flash of grey coat can be seen as a mouse scurries by. On silent wings, death appears. A barn owl swoops down, opening its sharp talons to pluck the small creature from the earth before disappearing back into the darkness of night, all without making a sound. From the nearby river, frogs croak and call, letting the world know they are there, adding yet another layer to the nightly orchestra. In a clearing, not far from the pups, a raccoon moves into view, standing to look at the brothers, nose twitching and whiskers moving. After a moment, the raccoon moves on, in search of more crickets to stuff its belly with.

Kore sits with a smile on lips as he continues to watch the moon. Since he could leave the den, the galaxy clad pup has watched this scene play out night after night. Sure, the moves can be different, the songs change but the cast of characters always remains the same. Turning his bright gaze to his brother, the galaxy pup asks, “What do you think? Cool... right?” His smile widens with happiness at being able to share this place with his sibling.

"Kore Regni"