
Buy The Stars



08-20-2013, 07:35 PM

Since the day she spilled out everything to Cael and Caerul, the dark female had kept to herself. She had remained near either one of the two males, silently sticking to their sides. Both of them made her happy, soothed the ache and pain. While Cael healed, Caerul protected her. She had taken a great likeing to both of the brothers, often requesting Caerul to stay awhile in Cael and her den. It was far large enough for the three wolves plus Cael's "kid". All of them together made her feel like they were a family. It was nice, warming, and she had missed that feeling so much. Even still though she was silent more than often. It was a relief to tell the two of them everything, and yet now she felt empty now. Like now that it had rained there was nothing left in the clouds.

Today was no different, speaking to Cael that she would be out for awhile. She often just walked around the territory, just wondering about. Everything seemed to carry on without her. She felt like she was there and yet not, distant. White dipped paws move sluggishly as she looked about, watching the land grow and burst with life, knowing soon autumn would be here. More often than not she would gather tons of herbs to bring back to the den. The more they had, the better for the cold season, and more importantly a possible battle. After the King of Glaciem came by, demanding a member of their ranks only to be denied by her alpha, the impending danger of battle lurked around. She was glade to have trained now to defend herself. But the thought of pack mates wounded worried her. A battle was never good news to a healer. All she could do was help as much as she could when it happened.

Her alpha's call made her pause and lift her head up. Blue gaze looked to her west before moving off at a quick loop. So it was time to know where the pack stood with Glaciem. Even though she moved quickly she was on the far side of the territory. Upon arriving she noticed already alot of wolves were there, many she had yet to meet. Ears flicked back uncertainly. Eyes sought out those she knew and instantly found Caerul. Silently she joined him, pressing her flank to his. Something was going to happen and it made her nervous. It did not help so many wolves were here.