
Work Up an Appetite

Fenmyre practice raid


"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
01-17-2022, 11:17 PM
Alastor grinned like a giddy maniac when he felt his claws find purchase in the red brute's neck, digging them into his flesh with ruthless abandon. He began to put all of his weight into their grapple, trying to take the younger wolf down, but he was slippery. His opponent jerked back, yanking so hard he ripped Alastor's claws through his own skin to get away and clocking Alastor beneath his chin with his skull in the process. The red and black brute gave a grunt of surprise as stars exploded before his eyes.

The rattling in his head was quick to subside though, and Alastor was surprised to find the young wolf didn't try to make a counterattack on him. Oh well, that was fine. He'd teach the child why being ruthless and vicious in a fight was the only way to go. Once he got his bearings back, Alastor pressed the attack, launching a full frontal assault on his opponent with viciously snapping jaws aimed for any part of the red wolf's neck he could find, barreling his heavy body forward into his foe's lime a sumo wrestler, looking to knock him off balance while he tried to bite him.

Alastor vs Cináed for Dominance
Round 2/2
Age: 1+ years
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Heavy
Offensive Battle Accessory: Serrated Steel Fang Caps
Defensive Battle Accessory: Spiked Holly Crown
Companion 1: Miniature Penguin, Male - Battle
Companion 2: Raven, Male - Flying
Mutation 1: Retractable siam gemstone claws - Offensive
Skills: Expert Fighter & Master Hunter
Specialty: Bloodletter

"Alastor Mendacium"

Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.
