
Under the Cypress Trees



7 Years
08-20-2013, 07:51 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

She had made a mistake. She could tell the moment the eyes of the creature before her dilated to a dangerous level, the first step he had taken quickly being followed by another. His strides, as slow and calculated as they might have been, were still lengthier than her own, drawing him somewhat closer to her than he had been just a second before. Such a dangerous game, she wondered nervously. If her life had not been at stake, it might have been intriguing, even exciting, but with her very being on the line it was impossible for Tahlia to take any sense of pleasure from their interaction.

It irked her not being able to understand him as well, to know whether he purred threats her way or more warnings. Asking what it was he said sounded too chummy a move, and considering he had just practically followed instinct to make a charge at her the circumstances hardly felt right for that sort of conversation. Instead she focused on what she could understand, the blatant warning still slithering beneath the surface of his words. She needed to get herself calmed down somewhere, needed to quit reacting so noticeably to every little move he made. But how she did do that when she was still sure that at any moment he would make a leap and everything would be over?

"Very well." Carefully, though her still tense body resisted, she folded her legs, seating herself there before the feline beast to show the both of them that she would not run. She very well couldn't now; he would have her before she had even gotten to her paws again. "I will not run," she stated clearly to him, trying to retain at least a little of her dignity as she minutely shifted her chin upward, the gesture almost defiant of the big cat and the ease with which he startled her. And now that she had resigned herself to her fate here within the invisible clutches of the feral cat, she dared to ask another question, tone low but with a hint at underlying curiosity, "If you do not intend to kill me, why did you stop me?"