
Wake The Fire Inside Of Me



01-18-2022, 08:31 PM
Deer Dad's Blessing- Áskell
Be Blessed, and go in Peace

As you talk to the spotted man before you, his horns seem to grow and branch. His legs lengthen and snout rounds as his tail shortens. You realize he is getting taller, and you alongside him, you head now heavy with the presence of new antlers. You look eye to eye with the splotchy deer and he snorts at you in return. You get the feeling he needs to tell you something as he cranes his neck closer to you. You flick a long ear to listen, but his neck keeps stretching until it passes your line of sight. You feel his breath on your shoulder, then your rump, around to the other side and up to the shoulder and past the other side of your face. You realize startlingly, that his body remains in the same place, although his long whiskers now enter your vision and a pale, white eye meets your gaze.

He snorts, eyes cast to the sky and you find yourself scared to move as his body begins to follow the path his head had taken. He begins to ascend, his legs growing now shorter, his fur falling into brilliant scales. He slithers and flies into the sky, and you are left a single deer in the woods.

When you blink, you find yourself holding the haunting gaze of the wolf before you and you are back in your own body.

You gain:
  • Post-Acceptance Minor Deer Mutation- Any deer-themed minor mutation will do! Post in maintenance for it! Takes 1 OOC season to take effect. Subject to staff approval.