
over the cliff we go

usagi / hunt



Master Fighter (245)

Advanced Hunter (103)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
01-18-2022, 09:36 PM
Why the hell had they come to this cliffside to begin with? Usagi’s typical scowl crossed his features as he quirked a brow at his brother for his choice in a hunting spot. What were they going to do, politely ask the wildlife to launch themselves over the jutting rock? He was about to tell off Kuroo for settling on such a strange place for hunting, because it might as well end up being them falling over the cliff face instead of the poor creatures they were attempting to catch. Still, the scent of prey he scented despite the sea’s breeze could be denied no longer, and hunger crept in. Desperation was a fickle beast at best.

Padding somewhat close to the edge, peering over it to the sharp drop-off and the distant sands of the beach below, Usagi turned towards his brother as he talked of crafting something to purposefully drive some beast into falling to its untimely death. His brother knew him all to meant no fishing. If there’s anything he was a poor sport at, it was fishing. This at least seemed up his alley. "We can give it a try," He said in his usual flat tone, backing up from the edge to face his larger brother. He paused in thought, glancing around them for anything they could use for crafting. He frowned at the lack of trees and other cover they could’ve used to stack on the edge, perhaps to make some prey think the flat land continued further when it didn’t. He squinted at some of the taller grasses in the area, and he did spot a few larger rocks on their way here. Turning to Kuroo, he added, "Perhaps we can weave some grass together to form a string, and drive an animal to it so it trips and falls over the cliff that way." He shrugged. He wasn’t really a crafty type outside of his weapon, much less the inventive type. Kuroo usually was the mastermind behind more intellectual strategic matters. He mostly just used battle tactics himself.


wishing there was something left to lose
this could be the day i die for you—