
I broke so many bones




3 Years
01-18-2022, 11:17 PM

Travelling with a band was... strange. Strange at best. Gin wasn't particularly used to consistent company. Even in the days before the long night, she was a drifter. A few nights here, a few more there. There were stories to collect, and how could she take them all in if she was tied to one place or another? Always on the move, but not necessarily on the run. Comfortable sleeping the high daylight hours away in whatever inconspicuous location she had access to, and coming alive at night to drink and dance and hear their stories. Those had been the before times, when she was less anxious. When she had fewer worries. When things were still normal.

Normal. What a laugh. Meishu had been kind enough to offer her a place within his band... Gin's acceptance of that offer had been far from normal indeed. The ghost had traded her hard-held freedom for the promise of safety. How long would that trade hold? Did she even belong in a band? At least she could still travel and hear the stories this land had to offer. This place, the wolves that called it home... she hadn't even really gotten to enjoy it before the long night.

Sleep had faded away, and left Gin in a state of in between. Not quite awake, but certainly not asleep either. A nose-- a nose? A nose appeared in the opening of the fox hole she'd taken up residence in for the daylight hours. Startled, Gin squeaked. Squeaked? Her anxiety spiked... had someone (something?) come to eat her? Had she taken over someone else's den? Heart hammering in her chest, Gin quickly weighed her options. If she was inside, maybe they wouldn't fit and couldn't get her. If she was inside and they could fit, she was screwed. Maybe she could dive out and make a run for it? That was probably better.

Or maybe it was someone from the band. That would be more likely... right. And the thing about being in a band? If things got really bad, she could call for Meishu. Carefully, Gin stuck her head out from the hollow. "Hello?" She called, looking for the face that belonged to the nose.