
I may tell you to run




Advanced Healer (100)

Beginner Fighter (0)

3 Years

Pride - BisexualSamhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
01-18-2022, 11:51 PM
Carefully, quietly, he pads after his brother. Slipping farther away from the den and into the night was exciting, and really, something he hadn't thought to do before. It wasn't like there was a rule that they stayed inside just... that's what they did. Maybe it wasn't so bad to do something else. If anyone tried to say anything, Ivy figured he'd just blame Kore... seemed legit. There was no real controlling his curiosity anyway.

Wordlessly, he joined the boy at the top of the hill. It really was quite the spot. Listen, Kore instructed, and listen he did. For a moment, it was only the throb of his heart within his chest. Then it was more. The high pitched calls of the bats, echoing off of the trees and each other. Overhead they seemed to move with both a frantic nature and a certain grace... a conundrum at work. The owl and the mouse, a predator that worked in ways that Ivy knew not, but was impressed by none the less. It was breathtaking, really. Imagine hunting in the same way. To be that elegant, that graceful, and that deadly-- all at the same time? The notion made the boy's head spin. How wonderful. Ivy watches the bird of prey until it fades from view, into the inky dark night.

The raccoon, too, catches his eye. The boy giggles softly as it makes eye contact with them, whiskers twitching. If the small bandit was the only one to catch the boys out here tonight, that would be ideal. Still, it's almost... almost nice to be seen. A friend. He could think, at least, a friend. It's hard to know what is and isn't a friend at this point. Just as the others did, the little bandit disappears into the night. Would they disappear too, where they sat?

"Very cool," Ivy confirms, voice soft. He takes in a long, deep breath of crisp night air. From somewhere far off to the south, thunder rumbles. It's hard to not be enchanted by it. "Why are there so many stars?" Ivy didn't necessarily expect his brother to have the answers. Still, it felt better to have someone to speculate with.
