
an old saint




Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years

Pride - PansexualTeacherSamhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipDouble MasterWordy
01-19-2022, 12:36 AM
Halo's smile played softly on her features, reaching all the way to her eyes with a bit of a glimmer. Lúta was kind, and though still a stranger, the tenderhearted girl found herself enjoying the company. "Thank you," her words were soft. "We would like that very much," her gaze flickered to the pale raccoon, and she inclined her head in the direction that Raga and Lúta moved in. He ambled forward, and Halo couldn't help but smile.

As they reached the young tree, the girl beckoned her new companion. "This is a great example, see, the leaves are white underneath," she showed the creature, turning one of the leaves gently in her paws. "Especially with a tree this young, we don't take from the tree itself, okay?" Halo waited for him to nod. "Just the sticks from the ground, and we can strip them when we get home." The words were quick, quiet, not wanting to bore her company. Still, she wanted to intercept before her raccoon friend went and started peeling from the tree itself. Carefully, she picked up a few sticks and handed them to the creature. There were still plenty for the others to take, but it would be an excellent addition to Halo's stores.

Lúta asked about pack life, and the tenderhearted girl offered a warm smile. "It's really nice, I've never known anything like it." Halo admitted softly. "Before this, before coming here, I was with my family. They were wanderers, resources were always hard to manage... it's not like that here," and honestly, the pale girl was still in awe of it. "For the first time, I feel... safe." It was a strange thought, safety. Sleeping at night had gotten easier, and Halo was able to rest. Softly, her gaze flickered to Lúta. "Do you have a home?" Maybe not a pack, from the way she'd asked, but a band? Somewhere to rest at night? A caretaker at heart, Halo wanted to know that she was okay out here.

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