
I'm bad as bad can be




Intermediate Healer (45)

Expert Hunter (180)

6 Years

01-19-2022, 02:47 AM
At his question she looked over, her gaze following where he had gestured to, and taking a good long look. The stone looked sturdy enough to hold his weight, and it looked narrow enough that it would have to squeeze past which would give him ample time and opportunity to jump down on top of it. The plan sounded well thought-out to her ears, and she gave him a brief nod of acknowledgement before slowly stalking off in a half-circle around the herd. She wanted to cut off as many of the sheep to limit the number that fled towards where Víðarr would lay in wait.
Once in position she waited for a few moments, eyeing the Dall sheep where they grazed peacefully until the one she was after was looking away from her, before suddenly leaping forth from the undergrowth with a sharp bark to send them scattering. From the angle she had dived in majority of the group fled away from her cousin, leaving just two for her to separate. Iðunn lengthened her stride to catch up to the pair as they took off at a sprint, managing to get up next to the one she didn't want and snapping at its front shoulder. It let out a bleated cry and took off the side, leaving her primary target on its own.
She could practically smell the fear of the herbivore as she herded it towards the stone corner, dancing from side to side whenever it tried to turn and run back to its friends, snapping her jaws together loudly to spur it onwards. They were getting closer to the point at which Víðarr needed to play his part, and once she'd herded the sheep close enough she would hit the brakes and stop suddenly so she wasn't at risk of being squished as well. As long as he didn't injure himself, and the horns remained unbroken, this would be a good hunt.

Hunting 2/3
When Iðunn's speech is in italics it means she's speaking in Swedish