
I'm at the edge of the world



Intermediate Healer (45)

Expert Hunter (180)

6 Years

01-19-2022, 03:41 AM
Pain and tiredness filled her very bones as she struggled forwards. The sudden weight pressing down on her back sent her immediately to the ground without a fight, and she felt her face press roughly into the snow as the dark form of a wolf grabbed at her throat. She struggled weakly, something in the back of her mind telling her this wolf looked familiar, but there was no struggle here. She watched as the wolf tore out her throat, the pain swiftly dulled to a numb feeling which spread throughout her entire body, until finally the pain was no more. It had happened so fast in what felt like mere seconds, and she lay there unable to move, staring up at the she-wolf.
The predator began to chant rhythmically, in words that she felt she should be able to understand but couldn't, and was helpless to do anything as the wolf painted her own blood on its face. But there was no anger or hostility in the wolf, and she was almost thankful as she closed her eyes one last time, hearing the howl of a wolf dimly in what sounded like the distance. An infinite amount of time passed, and at the same time none, before she felt herself begin to be dragged through the snow, but there was no pain in the motion, and she felt almost weightless, until suddenly she was looking down at her own broken and bloodied body from above. Curiosity filled her as she watched herself be devoured by the now pack of wolves, and she had no words to describe the experience. She was now a part of the wolves forever more.

Iðunn opened her eyes with a gasp, her heart beating rapidly in her chest as she looked down at the fallen stag with wide eyes. Her gaze flitted between the stag and the sky, words wanting to fall from her lips, but being unable to utter a single sound. She had been a stag, the stag, seen through its very eyes, and even into the future when she and her family ate it? If this wasn't a sign from Jörð that she had received a blessing from the Goddess herself, then she didn't know what was.
Filled with a steely determination, and her faith even stronger now, she tipped her head back to call out for her family, announcing that she had a large meal that they needed to help her drag back. She would keep her promise to Jörð, and keep a watchful eye over the creatures around their home, protect them when needed, and make sure their deaths weren't in vain when her family hunted them for their meat. A strange feeling filled her as she waited for her cousins to arrive, and she kept a watchful eye on the stag where it lay on the ground, an unusual softness in her gaze.
When Iðunn's speech is in italics it means she's speaking in Swedish