
Take a look and see



01-19-2022, 05:05 AM
He'd managed to escape from that god forsaken reptile-infested island without too much trouble, and was simply glad to have solid ground under his paws even if it was dry and dusty. He'd stuck close to the coast for the time being after splitting up from Hatsume, having decided to go their separate ways for a short bit before meeting up again. Hage wasn't worried about getting lost or not finding her again; she was so large she'd be easy to find if he described her to enough wolves. Ugh, that meant talking to them though.
His paws brought him to a depression in the ground elevation, and he stood on the edge to peer down into the basin, the heady scent of the grass baking under the sun overwhelming his nose to the point that he took a few steps back and coughed a few times. There hadn't seemed to be any water down there, even with just a quick peruse, so Hage had no desire to go down into the basin where the scent would surely be even stronger. No, he'd probably just move on, perhaps heading further inland in the hopes there would be a river or something he could bathe in.