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Master Intellectual (375)

Master Hunter (370)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipDouble MasterThe Ooze Participant
01-19-2022, 12:43 PM (This post was last modified: 01-19-2022, 12:46 PM by Celeste. Edited 1 time in total.)

She was naked. Admittedly, it had probably been her fault. After trading some crystals for a mysterious item with the cloaked figure, she had gone to use it. Unfortunately, she couldn't read like a lot of wolves and had no idea it would do anything at all. When she had woken the next morning, her fur had all fallen out and her tail appeared longer. Longer, how? That had been awfully confusing at first, but she was more concerned for the fact that she was naked. Making quick to hunt and skin a small deer about her size, Celeste had made a makeshift cloak that wasn't too dense to last her through the summer. What an awful time to be without fur.

Crossing the tall grasses while attempting to go unseen, she wasn't sure why she was even traveling. It probably would be a better idea to hide away until this whole fur debacle was figured out. Either way, here she was, moving along the basin with her midnight black cat in tow as he let her know vocally that he too wasn't pleased with the change. Her companion's own confusion at her change had ensued lots of hissing and spitting until it recognized her from the way her aquamarine eyes glimmered in the light.

Somewhat lost in thought and trying not to be depressed that she was ugly, the petite female almost didn't notice the even smaller male standing at the edge of the basin. Pausing in her step, she considered almost not approaching. Now definitely wasn't the time to be making friends. Except, as her eyes squinted in his direction to ward off the bright summer light, something appeared familiar about him. Flicking her ears back momentarily, she started walking toward the male. "Do I know you?" Celeste asks in her thick Japanese accent. Making sure to keep some space, hesitant that no one would be able to recognize her, she waited for him to respond.