
Isardis x Argent


08-20-2013, 09:33 PM

Pup #2;

Name: Vereux

Sex: Male
As a pup Vereux will be almost entirely gray with white splashes underneath him. His eyes glowing a bright emerald color, shining in the stead of his father. His nose being a perfect tint of gray, as the rest of his body being healthy and strong like any of his siblings. As he grows to thirty six inches in height, the white will grow over his underside, and his gray with have more of a blue tint to it. His eyes, will stay the same and his frame will change into something more fit for a prince by name. His coat of fur long in length, with soft ends to it. Vereux's movements will be held high, and he will never want to fail on his end of glory. His eyes will still shine their emerald color, like the gem itself sitting inside of his sockets. This is the appearance the boy will grow to hold.
Vereux will be a wolf who wants to follow in his fathers paw steps, but do it better. While on the outside he seems properly trained, obedient, and admiring his father, there is something in the back of his mind that tells him to be on the top of everything. He will be a pup who wants to plan ahead of himself, and keep all the secrets in the world. If things go well, he may even surpass his father who he secretly wants to see being suppressed underneath him. Vereux will learn how to deal with other wolves, females mainly would be used as tools for him, and his siblings and parents would be the only ones gaining his respect unlike the other low lives.
As Vereux grows he will become a devil in disguise, he will be sweet on the outer rim. Seem like the life of the party the nice guy who offers his help. Yet, on the inside he is purely rotten, he will never do anything that will not benefit him. Though this is subject to change through his experience, it is also possible he may become less of a devil or even more of one. Yet the charming snake will want to be on top always, and would use his thinking skills to get it that way. Seeing himself as indifferent from the world, and seeing himself as better than anyone could ever be. Especially his father.