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Master Fighter (245)

Advanced Hunter (103)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
01-19-2022, 11:12 PM
Usagi wasn’t surprised in the least that his opponent was able to brace his attack. He was larger, clearly with more heft and solid bulk on his bones. Usagi wasn’t as solidly built, but the tendrils of flesh on his own limbs provided evidence enough that a svelte build wasn’t unsuited for sparring. As the larger wolf moved forward to shoulder-check him, Usagi felt the impact before he was able to guage his own offense, bracing himself by splaying his toes into the dirt and letting his hind legs buckle into the cracked sand to avoid a full-on stumble. He appreciated the wolf’s mannerisms in that he also didn’t use teeth in this fight - the koi wolf himself rarely attempted to use his fangs unless his opponent used them as well. However, he’d appreciate the lack of jaw snapping in this spar. He’d prefer to hone his skills in other ways. If his positioning was right, after assuming a forward stance, he’d be close to his opponent’s chest. In a swift movement, Usagi aimed to rear backwards in an attempt to slam his back into the male’s chest, hoping to make him stumble as well. No doubt he was bigger, so the idea of bringing him down completely would be a challenge, or even unlikely. In the gap after his back-bump into the male, should it be successful, he’d pivot around on one of his lind legs to bring himself back behind the opponent’s foreleg, aiming the other hind leg towards it to kick it and hopefully make it buckle. It wouldn’t hurt, not for the bulkier opponent, but if it worked, he might find himself closer to the ground than he’d like.

Usagi vs Astrophel for Spar
Round 2/2
Age: Over 1 year
Size: Medium
Build: Light
Offensive Battle Accessory: Double-bladed Sword
Skills: Advanced Fighter & Novice Hunter


wishing there was something left to lose
this could be the day i die for you—