
don't get the shotgun



2 Years

The Ooze Participant
01-20-2022, 10:13 AM
There was still a bit of lingering embarrassment as Lillith told her father that she had indeed recovered from her self inflicted misery. Despite how bad she felt on the way back home Lil wouldn’t have done anything differently that night. Maybe she would have drank a little more water if she thought about it, and maybe they could have snuck back into the castle better. Still, that night had changed her life, it was a milestone essential for her relationship with Roman as well as her entrance into adulthood.

Ulric was still glad she was feeling better despite it being her own actions that caused her to feel that way. He was about to get their patrol underway when Lil stopped him once more, a soft apology for her actions. She didn’t regret them, but she was remorse for causing her father any anxiety. Ulric paused and returned to her side, placing a soft nuzzle on her cheek. She leaned into his touch, much more receptive to affection and touch than she was even a season ago, the exchange was drastic compared to a year before.

He told her there was no reason to apologize, that all of his worries, anxiety, and emotion stemmed from that had purely to do with her growing up and his abilities to cope with that fact. She was an adult, she was strong of mind and will, he trusted her to live her life as she saw fit. That didn’t mean he wouldn’t be there for her when she made mistakes, like maybe drinking too much.

Lillith leaned more heavily into him, giving him a half embrace as he assured her softly. ”I’ll always be your little girl.” She assured him, burying her features into the thick fur of his neck. Maybe she was growing up and becoming an adult but that would never diminish Ulric’s place in her life.

Lillith Adravendi