


08-20-2013, 10:08 PM

Her soft melody would fade into the night, becoming just a distant whisper that would come to cease to exist. The moments seemed to drag on for what seemed to be like an eternity. Was Medusa not within her borders that night? Or perhaps she was busy attending to pack business...or even personal business. The thought of her comrade working her magic made her inky lips twitch in a smirk. Oh how she had missed the midnight siren. Just when it seemed that she would have no response, the sound of pawsteps was detected. Glittering emeralds danced across the darkened landscape, finding the familiar obsidian figure of Medusa as she strutted towards her. A welcoming smile tugged at her dark lips as she rose to her paws, allowing her skull to tip in a short bow of greeting, acknowledging the woman's new stature of power.

It would seem you age as well as wine, my sweet. A quiet chuckle rumbled in her chest, crown shaking in amusement. Still the same Medusa I remember. You haven't aged a day my lovely. Came sugared lyrics, dripping from her dark jaws like sweet honey. She was glad to see that even now that she was leading her own pack, Medusa hadn't lost any of her charm. Would've been a real shame if she had. She could see the mistress' eyes roaming her figure, but the look behind them was not one of lust, but simple observation. Her following question allowed Aspasia to understand the look. Don't fret yourself dear, I do not run. I simply outstayed my stay and decided to wander off. She knew exactly who the dame was referring to and she feared nothing from the man. He had no quarrel with her. She had been one of the oldest women there and in her mind it was time for her to broaden her horizons. The harem couldn't be her life forever.

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