
it hurts to read permanence




Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years

Pride - PansexualTeacherSamhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipDouble MasterWordy
01-20-2022, 07:01 PM
Though introverted and shy, Halo is keen on making new friends. She doesn't really like the idea of getting by on her own. While more capable than she really expected herself to be (heck, she'd made it to Boreas in one piece), the girl thrives when she has company. Awkward company was better than no company, and she could hope that others felt the same way. Mortis at least, enjoyed her presence. Basilisk as well, though children aren't quick to pick up on social discomfort. Audra, tucked away in the Hallows, who'd been wonderful to go searching for white willow trees with. Halo thinks too, of Alarr-- though not friends yet specifically, she certainly hoped she'd cross paths with him again. Even with tense relations between packs, something Halo was new to navigating, he had been kind with her. There were so many names, so many faces, and they all swam in her head.

Soft gaze trained on the ground at her feet, she looks for the plants. As soon as they found a patch, they wouldn't need to look much farther. It grew this, and spread like weeds. "I'll ask him, and you don't have to stay for any amount of time I just..." she trailed off for a moment, distracted, sniffing at a plant that could have been boneset. No, Halo shook her head to herself, just an imposter. "I worry about you in the winter, where the prey might be scarce, and when it's cold and dangerous," the tenderhearted girl admitted quietly. "Sirius says it doesn't get too bad in the winters around here, and that the north is worse, but you never know." It was all she'd say on the subject. Halo knew that Inoki could take care of herself, that she was perfectly capable and competent. It was more in the things outside of their control, like the movement of prey and the particularly bad storms, that worried her.

Plants were much easier to talk about, and much easier to think about. The shadowed girl's bump to her shoulder makes Halo smile, and her tail wagged loosely at her haunches. "They're um, they're kind of ugly," Halo giggled, thinking about the far prettier flowers the cannabis would grow beside in her garden. Heck, at this point she was starting to consider splitting the flowers she grew for dye (and because they were pretty) into a separate bed. "The flowers are, at least. The leaves are very green and grow in clusters of five, and the edges of each leaf look spikey," Halo's voice was quiet, gentle. "There are a few things out here that have similar leaves, but they all have prettier flowers," she couldn't help but smile softly as they walked and talked. The best company, after all, was the company of friends.
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