
Take me to the gods[Open]


03-03-2013, 09:22 PM
An Angel

Your wish is my command

He was a strange little beast, redish tint highlighting his coat, spots speckling his haunches, what appeared to be white forelimbs with a dark obsidian patch streaking his throat. A pair of mismatched eyes, emerald and crimson in coloring gazed up at the large obsidian female as he spoke of knowing exactly where he was. He wanted an angel of death, someone to drain the life's blood from his small frame so he could rejoin his parents in the life after. It was an odd request, one Destruction had never gotten. Of all the wolves she'd killed, this young one was the first to voluntary offer his life up.

Did this child know exactly what he was asking for? He didn't look to be older than six or seven months, still young for a cub. Death was permanent. There was no due over, no oops, I change my mind, I don't want to be dead anymore. You couldn't take it back once it was done and over with. He seemed firm in his choice, but the darkened vixen wasn't so sure. He was still a child, one who didn't know what he wanted, no matter how convincing he sounded. Why have I answered your call? Because I am the bringer of death. Where I came from, blood was my nourishment. Those who have died beneath my jaws have had no choice in the matter. They were sentenced by my commander and I executed them upon his wish. I no longer serve under his rule yet killing is still in my nature. The boy smelled of a pack, not of a rogue tired of wandering or having been seperated from his family. Was his pack aware of what kind of thoughts were passing through his young mind?

Hind limbs folded beneath the massive damsel as she lowered herself into a sitting position beside the boy, gaze firmly fixed on him as she continued. You are a child, barely beginning to experience life and yet you already want to end it? What is your name boy? Why is it that you want to part with the mortal world so desperately that you would call upon a stranger to commit the act of ending your life? Had this boy been a rogue pup asking for a death wish she would have ended his life upon her arrival, not wasting her time on questioning his reasons. But he smelled of belonging to a pack and the she-devil was not stupid. Were she to grant his wish, there would definitely be retribution from whoever his pack was. And all though that sounded like an interesting time, she didn't want to have to face an angry pack who wanted her blood simply because she granted a child's wish when she had never really had a right to in the first place.