
Among Clashing Tides



5 Years
Extra large
08-20-2013, 11:38 PM (This post was last modified: 08-20-2013, 11:38 PM by Taurig.)

It was getting hotter every second that he stood out in the sun. Or at least it felt like that. His core body temperature was rocketing to a very uncomfortable level, causing the titan to pant heavily, tail flicking uneasily behind powerful haunches. He needed to get out of the heat now, or else he would collapse from heat exhaustion. And that wasn't the best idea when being so far away from home. And especially with a stranger. Although this particular stranger didn't look like she would be much of a threat, but one could never be certain. Looks tended to be very deceiving.

His voice caught his attention and he watched as she rolled herself onto her paws, rising up into a sitting position, a pair of dual colored eyes staring up at him as she suggested that there could be. Though her answer didn't sound very convincing, she scooted away, making more room in the makeshift shelter for him to fit under. Though as she turned to make room, he realized something; she had burn marks. All across the left side of her face, decorating part of her neck, shoulder and leg. Not only that, but she was missing part of her ear and she had no tail. He hadn't seen many wolves like her, but he surely wasn't very surprised to see what she looked like as a whole. She was actually kind of pretty, burns and all. But he wasn't about to start throwing compliments out at a random stranger. He was quick to retreat under the cooling shade, audibly sighing with relief as he curled himself into the shade, trying to take up the least amount of room possible so that the young woman wouldn't be left half out in the sun. Inky ears perked at her words, icy gaze flickering to her scarred face. Guess you got lucky you found this huh. Thanks for sharing by the way, my name is Taurig. He presented her with a short nod of acknowledgement, ever the respectful warrior.

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