
forever entangled



3 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Hit!
01-21-2022, 04:19 PM

The silver and slate brute had no notion of how long he and Lillith remained entangled in a flurry of grasping paws and climbing limbs, surrounded by a symphony of moans and breathless cries of one another's names. Time held no meaning for the two young lovers in this moment, so lost were they in their own perfect world of passion and desire. Even the claps of thunder or the pouring rain smacking against the windowpanes were drowned away by the song of pleasure Lillith sang for him. Together they worked in unison, finding pure love and pleasure in the other's body and soul. Heat consumed him, surrounded him, became all Romulus knew while he burned with his lover. Their passions grew, sounds growing louder and less restrained while they lost themselves together in a sea of ecstasy. Damned be the rest of the castle and any of the wolves that might hear them. He didn't care! Roman wanted the world to know how much he loved Lillith, that she belonged to him and he to her as he claimed her wholly in the way a man could claim a woman.

Together they reached their peaks, a blissful crescendo of moans and cries of passion. Roman clung to Lil in the aftermath of their heated lovemaking, feeling a relief the likes of which he hadn't found before in their coupling with this release. Was it an effect of her pheromone-laced scent on his brain, or was this simply a more intense finish? He couldn't tell; all he knew was that he loved it and felt incredible floating in this euphoria with Lillith. Roman didn't untangle himself from her even after they'd finished, collapsing to surround her body with his as he clutched her tightly in his arms, wrapping her up in himself. Their bodies were a tangled mess of limbs intertwined amongst messed up sheets and furs. Everything felt so warm and tingly, and Romulus wore a goofy smile of satisfaction while steel-silver eyes gleamed with bliss. He gazed deep into Lillith's ruby eyes, wanting to drink in the expressions she wore in the wake of their lovemaking. Everything had felt so much more intense with her in heat, even her own reactions.

A large silver paw slid slowly up her body from her waist, following the curve of her side and up her neck to caress her cheek. Wordlessly, he tilted her muzzle up until it met his, kissing her slowly and deeply, a final seal on the salacious love letter they'd written here with their bodies. He slipped away once he'd contented himself with her taste, gazing at her through half-lidded eyes in his afterglow. "You okay...?" he asked amidst heavy breathing, his voice a gentle yet husky whisper while he made sure he hadn't overwhelmed her during their mating. Already her scent was beginning to effect him again, feeling that innate instinctual urge to claim her again and again and spill himself within her to extinguish her heat. Of course, that wouldn't happen with the steps they'd taken, but the biological need of his body to fill her with his children was undeniable and primal and didn't care whether Lillith was on birth control or not. Still, his love for her overpowered any lust, and he needed to make sure she was all right before he considered taking her for a second time, or a third, or maybe even a fourth.
