
Without a Care


08-20-2013, 10:45 PM

Precious, so it was close to her like some sort of living being. That was....odd, but odd was in his name as obvious as it was. So she too had something precious to her, even more so than her own life. Did she not care about the great blackness, built upon months and months of the darkness in which you would never see this life again. So as he stood up again he stuck the term precious in his brain. Those things were called precious then. They spoke to their masters unlike those who could not communicate in such a way. Oddity watched her move to the stream to drink, she was bigger so at any given moment she could try to attack him. Though he wasn't worried about that too much. As he flicked his tail he gave no emotion to anything she said or anything he learned. Oddity tilted his head and let out his tongue for a moment before speaking. "My name is Oddity, it is a pleasure to meet you Cana. What type of creature are you, I know you are a dog, but I have never seen someone quiet as large as you. It is rather....interesting." He said, not lying about any of it.
If anything interested him Oddity usually leapt for it as far as he could. If it was leadership, or fellowship. Maybe even the art of finding a mate, if it meant his survival. Or even maybe a part of him would live on in something else. In those little creatures who didn't have their innocence taken away. "Are there more precious' like yours? Or is it the only one?" Oddity asked straightening himself again to get a better look at her. She looked like she could be viscous if she wanted, the same with him, but he was rather far off from everyone else.
