

Saracyn (seasonal)



Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
01-22-2022, 12:31 AM

Being back on Alias Island truly felt like coming home. The trip back to north eastern Boreas felt like far less of a chore than leaving it had been—though she was slightly sad to leave the packs in Auster and southern Boreas behind. They would only be a quick trip away as long as she was traveling with just herself or with only Alastor so she knew she would visit the packs and the wolves she enjoyed there again soon enough. For now she was just happy to be back in the place that she had wanted to stake her claim on from the beginning. Maybe it would have felt more triumphant and victorious if she had won her initial claim and found her power that way, but this was satisfying in its own way. Her priorities had shifted dramatically over the last couple of seasons and this was her putting her family and their needs first instead of her own desire for glory. This would give them a permanent home that they could grow into and defend and for that she was grateful.

At the very least she knew her son was happy to be back. He had made his displeasure at their traveling known very clearly from day one and he certainly seemed fond of the island that had been their home through much of their pups' childhoods. They were home and now they could settle back into the caves that they never should have left. She had spent a good bit of time over the last few days getting things situated in their respective places. Their sleeping chambers were once again lined with plush furs, Irilyth's supplies were stored properly once more, and they had already begun getting a good stock of fresh meats now that they had the cool caverns to store them in again. It would take a bit of time to finish fleshing out the gardens she had planned for Irilyth and the training grounds she wanted to put together for everyone else, but they were off to a good start.

Today though she had put aside some time to work on a project with her son—assuming she could get him to stay in one place long enough to do it. Her children had grown so quickly and they were very nearly approaching their first year. Pretty soon they would at least reach their adult heights even if they had a bit of maturing and filling out to do still so this would be a good time to start working on some armor and weapons for each of them. Avacyn seemed to have a pretty clear idea of what she wanted armor wise, even though it was pretty much just a replica of her own, but she wasn't sure what Saracyn would want. She gathered up some supplies and then went to find her fire ball of a son. A little grin pulled at her features when she found him. He was getting awfully close to matching her in height and she had no doubt that he would go on to match his father one of these days. "Saracyn," she said, getting his attention, "Would you like to work on a little something with me? Maybe a weapon or two for you?"

WC: 548
Total: 548/1500

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