
Don't Try To Make Me Feel Bad

Kefka, Alastor



Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
01-22-2022, 12:47 PM
Even with a clawed paw dangerously close to some very sensitive parts of him Alastor was still struggling and fighting her, too far gone seemingly to really care. His gemstone claws swiped wildly at her, catching on the sides of her neck and chest occasionally as she struggled to keep him pinned, peppering her with bloody cuts that criss crossed through violet fur. When he lunged up to try and grab at her neck she snarled and caught his bloody cheek with her paw, slamming his head back toward the ground and turning his muzzle away from her to pin his head down against the ground with his opposite cheek pressed to the blood soaked grass. She was panting hard as she stood over him, keeping him pinned down with a warning growl rolling in her chest when Relm's loud voice suddenly rang out. She didn't take her aqua gaze off of Alastor, too worried that he might try to over power her again if she did, but her ear did twitch toward the younger woman to show she was listening.

If she was being honest she hadn't even realized who it was he was on top of until after the fight began. All she had focused on was the fact that she had found Alastor covered in blood, injured, surrounded by the mangled remains of another wolf, and what looked like raping another woman at least at first glance. She knew Alastor was deranged, she knew he could get out of control, but this was even beyond what she had come to expect from him and the fact that she now realized it was Relm, a wolf he had personally brought into their band himself, only upset her more. She listened as Relm explained that he had told her to leave, but that she hadn't headed his warnings and that made her vicious snarl falter slightly. The Alastor she knew wouldn't want to break his vow to her, he wouldn't want to force himself on Relm, and hearing that made her realize that there were certainly pieces of this story that she didn't know and couldn't have known from how she found them. Relm's plea to punish her instead did get Manea to give her a brief glance from the corner of her eye, but she quickly fixed her gaze back on her crazed husband.

She let out a slow sigh through her teeth after a moment, letting her paw shift down from his cheek to his throat so that he could move his head again. She didn't put any pressure on his throat, but her claws still pricked at his skin as a reminder of what she could do if he tried anything. "There's nothing to punish you for," she told Relm with another brief glance. "Consider this your lesson on how far he'll go if pushed far enough and fucking listen to him when he tells you to do something, understood?" She was upset with Relm for letting this happen as well when it could have been prevented, but hopefully having Alastor attack her was punishment enough. Relm was also still the least of her concerns when she still had an insane brute pinned under her that even now looked like a caged animal just waiting to attack her. "He's not going to calm down till he gets some kind of relief so unless you want to watch us fuck I suggest you leave." She didn't really care what Relm did at this point. She would have to get the full story and deal with Relm later. For now she had to deal with the ebony man still attempting to break away from her.

As much as she wanted to berate him and scold him for letting it get to this point, as much as she wanted to tell him how much of a danger he could have been or could be in the future if this were to happen again, she knew he wouldn't hear any of it. She had to get him back down to earth before she could do any of that. She gave Relm a moment to walk away, hoping she would at least head her advice this time. If she didn't she supposed they would have an audience. Either way, Manea removed her paw from his groin and shifted her hips back till she was straddling his waist, keeping her paw on his throat all the while. She would give him his release, but it was going to be on her terms. She already knew that even if she was on top of him he'd still ravage her in one way or another and she accepted the fact that her body was going to have to take the brunt of his rage, but it wouldn't be the first time and it wouldn't be the last. While usually she was more of an enthusiastic participant in these things and usually loved when he had his way with her, this was under significantly different circumstances.

She sank down onto him with a growl, her paw tightening slightly against his throat. A small part of her hated how good everything still felt despite her anger and disappointment in him. He made it impossible to not enjoy at least the physical pleasures of it even if her mind wasn't fully in the moment. His hips pressing up into hers, his claws on her hips, the sounds of their growls and groans on the air... It was all somehow familiar and wonderful despite the circumstances and she found herself forgetting about the mess they were laying in while she had her husband, reclaiming him as her own and reminding him why he was hers, why she was his wife, soul mate, matriarch, and the only woman he should ever want to give his children to.


"Manea Mendacium"