
Darling Don't Forget


09-30-2013, 12:04 PM
Troubled did the female look; confused did her mind seem. Thane could only wonder what was tangled up in her thoughts, constricting her mind from something. Looking at her his aqua blue gaze looked the fae up and down for a brief second. Her pelt looked a bit dirty; but he bet a beautiful dame was underneath all of the mud. Watching her he saw her try to sit up. Something about her seemed familiar but he couldn't pinpoint what still. The man's breath held in his throat as she suddenly looked up into his own eyes; letting him see her face more clearly. Those familiar emerald green eyes looked at him with confusion. She looked at him as if she didn't know him. The brute already knew her name before she struggled to say it. It's as if she didn't even know her own name as well. A moment after that she looked more clearly at him before finding her tongue and saying her name, Ookami. His breath let loose as she told him how she didn't know where she was and how these parts seemed unfamiliar.

Something was wrong...terribly wrong. This was not even mistaken for a joke. The man briefly closed his eyes before taking a deep breath. He wanted to scream; to curse the stars that set this fate.But no, he couldn't do that. She was here. His beloved was safe and alive. Contemplating this situation Thane had a hunch that something was wrong with her memory. Looking at her now he wondered what dark road she had tumbled down...she wasn't out of the woods yet, far from it. The man wanted to lean forward and comfort her. Afraid he was though that one simple touch may confuse her.It almost took all of his willpower not to run his tail down her back or nuzzle her. What had become of them? If she didn't even recognize him what about their children? Tears brimmed on his eyes, small droplets of dignity.

Finally finding his own voice he had to finally tell her...he had to.

" should be familiar with this're home Ookami. I-I think something has happened to you, your memory." he said before thinking carefully of what he should say next.

The man didn't even know if he should tell her of their bond yet.

"Don't I look familiar? Not even a little bit? I know you very well...maybe even a bit more than you know yourself right now. As I speak you must be a bit confused and even scared. You might want to run away; but running away isn't going to fix anything...I need you to listen to me. I'm not forcing anything onto you; I just want to help may not remember but you have a family."

"You've been missing for quite a while...and I know you probably don't understand but I myself am confused as well....we can get through this darling....I'll help you."

Words shot out of his mouth in calm tones yet rushed. he wanted to spit them out for her to hear. White lined ears lay flat against his skull as he spoke

The male didn't know if he should say anything else...

"Any questions you may have...I'll be happy to answer them..." he said before clearing his throat once more and looking at his poor beloved. It pained him to see her like this. Where had his Ookami gone? For a moment his brain gave him the thought that she wasn't even his Ookami anymore.And yet in the end she still was, because he still loved her for her no matter how much she would change. It was also his part of the promise, that he would never leave her. It was her time to uphold her part.