
I always push back


01-22-2022, 08:00 PM

Half-lidded eyes looked across the island, appearing disinterested as her goose wreaked havoc among the smaller lizards. A slow blink a steady inhale would be the only signs she had taken notice at all. “Baka gachō,” was whispered under her breath. How she had let anyone convince her a goose would be a good companion was beyond her. He was terrible at stealth missions, although she did suppose he made an ok body guard. Nobody expected to be charged by a honking, hissing demon when they were trying to sneak up on her. So she endured.

Golden orbs barely flicked to her companion before settling back on their surroundings. She and her sister had parted ways, initially briefly on the way here. She was still hopeful she would join them in this strange new land, but along the way she had collected a stray. It wasn’t often she saw anyone with a hint of similar colouring to herself, so that had been the first draw, that and he was small enough to be a great hot water bottle in climates colder than this one. The barest crinkle and turning of her lips would give away her amusement to any that knew her well. She knew he hated the nickname, but what point was there to using it if she thought he might enjoy it? “Dakara Kōgī, kita matawa minami?” It went without saying they would have to get the mainland first.

let's just stick to the one night standards

(for those with no hover like me)
1 - Idiot goose
2 - So Corgi, north or south?