
The Rains Fall Mainly on the Plains




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
01-22-2022, 08:02 PM
Manea couldn't help at least a bit of a giggle at the blue-hued man's obvious embarrassment at getting caught with the obvious traces of his previous activities on him. She gave him a knowing grin as he tried to play it off and insist that she hadn't interrupted anything when she knew full well she had at the very least caught him in the after glow of it—or between rounds perhaps. From the smell of it it seemed like woman in question was in heat so she had no doubt that she was keeping him occupied if she was anything like herself. "No need to be embarrassed," she commented with a sly smirk. "Nothing wrong with you and your better half enjoying yourselves. No doubt that I would be as well if I was in her position." To the younger man's credit he did try to hold some kind of decorum with nice pleasantries and congratulations on her success. He seemed like the type that held himself to a certain standard and was quite pulled together in his way of behaving and she could respect that, but it did make it all the more fun to ruffle his feathers a bit.

She would at least give him a bit of information about her pack since he asked so nicely. She liked to poke fun, but she did also intend on making friends here today and not enemies. "My only goal has always been to create a safe home for my family," she replied easily. "I don't need fame and glory, just a place for us to rebuild, to raise our children, and to better ourselves. I'm a woman of simple tastes and simple needs." She had certainly wanted the renown and glory at one point in time, but things had changed. Priorities had shifted. This was more than enough for her now and she was glad for it. They would get settled just in time for her and Alastor to start trying for their next litter and it couldn't have come at a better time.

Manea smiled as Artorias mentioned that his pack and Fenmyre were allies. Just as she had hoped, she was slowly making contact with a chain of packs that were all allied with one another and building her relationship with them as well. The concept of diplomacy and building relationships was still fairly new to her, but a challenge she was excited to undertake. She gave a small shake of her head when he questioned whether she would be making her pack in Auster as well. "No, I'm afraid not. As lovely as Auster is, I have my heart set on an island in north eastern Boreas. I'll certainly be back for vacations to the south though so I'm sure you'll see me around from time to time." She gave a little nod to turn the attention back toward him and she asked, "What about you? What can I expect from The Hallows?"

Manea | Temno | Ciemny