
forever entangled



2 Years

The Ooze Participant
01-22-2022, 10:08 PM
Roman soothed the desperate need within her to a dull ache, however much remained there was still relief. The proof was in the way her lips pulled up into a grin that wouldn’t be pulled from her features. She loved Roman in ways that no one else would ever know, she had found her soulmate. They fit perfectly together, and every moment like this only solidified that belief. The way he looked at her, mirroring her giddy grin as he held her, entangled in every way. Though breathless she didn’t yet feel the pull of fatigue, all that boiled beneath was unquenchable desire.

The feeling of dark paws over her body sent jolts through her core, she squeezed her eyes shut and groaned softly. However incredible he’d made her feel she still wanted… needed more. As her soulmate Roman wouldn’t leave her to suffer. Lil looked up at him as he traced the contours of her curves, and felt her own fiery desires reflected back in his silvery gaze and tempting smile. She wanted him forever, like there was an endless pit in her belly and just once wasn’t near enough to fill her longing.

Lilith easily confessed her love to him, and he murmured back almost dismissively. There was nothing farther from the truth as his attention focused once more. She sucked in her breath as he nibbled on her slate tipped ear and the girl leaned back into the pillows to reveal the length of her neck to him, revealing the vulnerable skin there. He whined as he ran his tongue slowly up the soft fur there, reaching her chin and taking her into a deep kiss. The burning desire for him flared within her as she tasted his tongue and grabbed for him and he held her close and roved her form.

She would have yielded to him then, but as she sought breath he pulled away. Too far away. Even as she was about to protest him leaving her Roman’s paws were on her again. With very little effort he grabbed her silver frame flipping her on the mattress with a surprised gasp. Her chest pressed into the bed as she felt the warmth of his belly against her hips and lower back. His slate dipped paw slid up her belly to grab her hips to position her as he adjusted himself. Garnet eyes looked over her shoulder as his muzzle caressed her ear and his words were whispered to her passionately.

Mrs. Armada. He sent a tremor up her spine with his words and the way he balanced himself above her. There was an incredible thrill that raced through her in the moment before he joined himself to her. She braced herself with a tiny silver paw against his as he filled her again, stealing her breath from her lips. He quickly left her gasping as Lillith fell into a completely primal state. He already had all of her, heart, body, and soul, but as they moved together something was awakened that hadn’t been there before. There was something about the way he handled her, the way he held her, how he took her, that satisfied an innate need within her.

Like he could read her mind Roman elicited reactions and feelings that overrode any sense or thought in her head. He was an all consuming fire and Lillith offered herself to him entirely. She felt like she lost herself completely as they descended into a lovely madness together.
