
Honing The Weapons



13+ Years
Extra large
09-30-2013, 07:53 PM

Caerul was willing to spar, and she nodded in agreement to his remark. ?It is interesting.? One deep blue orb disappeared behind long black lashes in a wink. She studied his defenses as he fell into them, planning and deciding on an attack method as he threw up a howl to the field. She settled her weight lightly on her hooves, trusting her mother?s heritage to lend her mobility. Since he wasn?t attacking first, she would make the first move.

She charged, longer stride taking her across the short distance in three equine bounds, head sweeping low as she angled her charge to pass him. She swung her head like a hammer, aiming for Caerul?s left side, intending to smash her head into him, in hopes of knocking him off balance. Her left eye was clamped narrow to avoid injury to the sensitive eye. Whether her blow met or not, she swept past and behind Caerul, swerving in a quick rollback that left skid in the ground where her hooves scraped sod from the earth. She quickly fell into a light, collected stand, hooves squarely set, weight resting on her haunches to take her in any direction, or to take her full weight if she chose to strike with her forelegs, neck arched, chin tucked to her chest, perfectly protecting her throat, teeth bared, head canted slightly to keep the wolf in her eyesight.

Her tail wasn?t of much use for balance, so it lashed side to side to lessen the likely-hood of it dropping into grabbing range.

Fight Stats

Round: 1/4

Defenses: Light and balanced at the beginning. Left eye clamped nearly shut to protect from damage during attack. After attack, facing the opponent, weight resting mostly on hind legs, keeping front legs open for giving an attack with the front legs, or to spring in any direction, hooves set squarely. Neck arched and chin tucked into chest to protect throat. Tail lashing above grabbing range, teeth bared.

Attacks: Charging the opponent head on, then slightly changing the angle to bring her past the opponent's left side, dropping her head low and swinging it toward his left side,, intending to use the weight of her head to knock him off balance.

Injuries: None yet.

Out Of Character Notes: It's time to rumble! And fighting horse style is weird after fighting wolf style. Then again... I've never really done a judged fight with a horse.