
a long-awaited miracle

laeta walks!


"Live Like A Warrior"

Lead Hunter

Master Fighter (290)

Master Hunter (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years

Samhain 2022How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Double MasterOoh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
01-23-2022, 05:32 PM

As Fern makes her back way to Laeta, a bright smile rests on her pale lips. The gray girl is thrilled to meet such a nice wolf and be given the opportunity to join in celebrating Laeta’s accomplishments. The monochromatic woman says she is ready, already moving to stand and Fern is quick to move to her side, reclaiming her previous spot by the wobble wolf’s side. Flashing the dapper badger a huge grin, the gray girl straightens up and says, “Watch out world! Here we come!” Laeta’s beaming, joy-filled expression is matched by Fern as they begin the slow trek. Mel keeps his grip on the smaller wolf’s scruff as they descend, helping to maneuver Laeta’s weak legs into position with each step. The gray girl offers encouraging words, cheering on the woman as they move.

Fern helps move Laeta’s legs when needed, offers her frame to lean against when the smaller wolf needs to rest on a step and she gives Mel reassuring smiles whenever he needs them. When they hit the landing to the second floor, the gray girl announces, “Wow! Those stairs didn’t stand a chance. What’da say to a small rest before we tackle the rest?” Fern wants the woman to catch her breath before continuing onward. Truthfully, the girl wants to carry Laeta the rest of the way, afraid that she might be taxing her already weakened body too much. Yet, every time she looks at Laeta, she sees the indomitable spark held that is held in those ruby red eyes. So, for now, Fern bites her tongue and allows Laeta the joy of making it down the stairs.

The sound of small paws on the stairs below them, has the gray girl casting her ocean-hued gaze down. She catches sight of Puff, who is quickly making her up the stairs. Her long, weasel like body hopping step to step as the stoat makes her way to the trio. Looking to Laeta, Fern says, “Oh, look who decided to join us!” Looking back to her small companion, the gray girl says, “Where you been Puff?” The small creature stops its upward progress to look at them and scoff. Her small voice says, “I decided I was hungry. Went and raided the kitchen while I was waiting. They have some nice meat today. Well… had.” A mischievous grin crosses small lips and the girl rolls her eyes, before shaking her head and turning back to Laeta and Mel.

Once the stoat has rejoined the group, they decide to tackle the last set of stairs. Laeta stands and Fern is quick to retake her spot as Mel does the same. Puff climbs up the gray girl’s leg, clambering onto her back and settling in for the ride. Pointing a small paw at the stairs, the stoat shouts, “Onward!” before giving the wobbly wolf a huge smile. They take their time, resting as needed, helping when Laeta needs them to, and offering encouraging words all along the way. Time passes and the group continues to cheer Latea on, the final goal within her reach.

When white tipped paws touch the floor of the grand foyer, Fern nearly shouts in joy. With a huge, beaming smile, the gray girl says, “You did it Laeta! Nothing can stop you! Way to go Mel!” Eyes dance with joy as Fern looks at the pair. A small voice pipes up from the girl’s back, saying, “Good job Puff! Couldn’t have done without you!” The gray wolf bites her lip, trying to hold in the laugh that begs to escape and bounce loudly off the walls.

"Fern" | "Puff"

Fern has a female stoat companion named Puff. She is always nearby.