


09-30-2013, 02:10 PM
OOC Name: Nine-sama
How did you get here?: former member
Age: 24-ish

Character's Name: Nibelheim
Age: 6 yrs old
Season of birth: Autumn
Size: 37 inches
Appearance description: He stands, a proud fixture no matter his societal status, bearing the generous height of thirty-seven inches at the shoulder. To some he would be considered a colossal traipsing among mortals for the influence of size hardly stops with his vertical achievement. Nibelheim inherited the physique of a warrior. The trials of life have savagely cut away any traces of innocence from what can now be described as a ruggedly handsome countenance. Gone are the soft curvatures more suited toward youth, replaced with harsher lines and sanded edges of thick muscle. The bearing of his shoulders are set wide giving him a low chest and long sternum to encase vital organs. Stores of fat that one might expect to see are nonexistent. Sinew firm but malleable, design corded pillars that hold him aloft, all of which trickling down to large, seemingly cumbersome paws.

To protect him from worldly elements the hound dresses in a coat of rich, velvety mocha. The range of this shade chocolate is almost full body with the barest hint of red staining the flowing tresses. Only the brute?s legs were omitted being that they are coal black. The ebony reoccurs sporadically, darkening his chest and cheeks in a sooty smudging. These dark tones of dead autumn do not draw the eye as easily but is attractive by its own right and, upon closer inspection, hide multiple surprises. Beginning at the corner of either eye is a curving slash of vivid color, a sharp cut of crimson flashing at the sides of his face. The color reappears in an angry lash across his shoulder, twisting down toward his neck but never quite reaching. The extraordinary length of his tail brandishes a band of red curling around the lower portions, protecting a single crimson spot.
Duty: Avenger