
a long-awaited miracle

laeta walks!



Intermediate Navigator (40)

Expert Intellectual (135)

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
01-23-2022, 09:50 PM

The memories Laeta had accrued during hee time at the Hallows were each precious in their own way. This one certainly was one she’d keep in her mind for years to come - the pure kindness of her packmates stepping in to help her in her recovery, and when she was at her lowest those past few months, was something she never thought she’d be able to have. No longer was she the broken-down, sorrowful woman who’d trekked to Auster not that long ago. No, she was a new person now; one that craved each day and the new experiences it brought to her. Laeta wouldn’t take life for granted anymore. There was just too much to it she had yet to desire.

Fern cheered her on as she tackled each step, and though her muscles were at their limits, the pauses they made at the landings helped. It was clear the grey wolf wished to carry her, and she likely could if she wanted - but Laeta was determined. Determined as ever, in those ruby embers that brimmed in her eyes. There was a fire of hope that ignited deep within that she couldn’t let extinguish. She was grateful after the period of respite down the second floor that Fern didn’t try to lift her up. Lae needed this moment, this time to do what she’d been begging for all those she’d been confined to the bed. All she wanted was to break free, and she did. Laeta chuckled as Fern’s mischevious stoat hopped up the stairs, mentioning her little excursion to the dining hall.

The last flight of stairs was tough, but the thin woman felt a second winf rush over her as she gently placed each paw, one after the other, on the stairs. Finally..the last step. The woman’s snow-tipped toes each shakily pressed onto the stone castle floor, and a joyous celebration was had. Fern cheered, and Laeta grinned, beaming as her tail offered a weak but happy wag. Mel released her scruff and simply stood next to her as her brace, smiling as well. "Lady Laeta, I never thought I’d see the day, but you’ve done it!" He said, adjusting his monocle - it was quite clear he was trying not to cry. Laeta turned to Fern, catching her breath as her limbs shook. Oh, she’d definitely done a bit more than her poor legs suspected, but no matter. She was proud. Utterly proud. "Fern..I can’t thank you enough." She turned to the stoat who’d given herself a bit if praise, and she smiled to her, adding, "You were a big help, too, Puff!" She was looking forward to this..with the stairs challenging, but conquerable, what couldn’t she do?


comin' up for air in the deepest of the deep ends
i thought i learned it all, but boom, the plot thickens
laeta has a european badger companion named melis. he can speak and is assumed to be with her at all times.