
this is a stick up!



Advanced Fighter (60)

Intermediate Navigator (30)

4 Years
Extra large

01-23-2022, 11:06 PM
The smaller wolf was fast and limber, and from the corner of his eye Raylan could see him dodging underneath and through smaller spaces as easily as if there wasn't any obstacles in his path. Focusing his attention up ahead, Raylan methodically leaped over the undergrowth where he could, keeping his gaze locked on the lighting struck oak that was coming closer and closer with each long stride. Before he knew it the tree was right in front of him, and using it as a springboard of sorts, he leaped against it and spun around, propelling himself back the way they had just come from.
In the thick growth of the trees and shrubbery he couldn't pinpoint exactly where the smaller and darker form of the other wolf was, and so he simply focused on running back to his make-shift bag without tripping or getting caught up. Some of the vines were blocking his way, but his large bulk was enough to simply run through it, leaving broken strands in his wake. Raylan hiked over a large boulder, blunt claws finding some purchase in the thick moss covering so he didn't slip as he pushed off against it, his momentum carrying him ever forward.
Finally the bag was in sight again, dumped ceremoniously on the ground, and Raylan glanced sideways to check on where the other wolf was. But most of his attention was on reaching out with his long strides to reach it first, wanting to keep the items e had collected during his time here. But at the end of the day he could always find some more, and he wouldn't be too annoyed if he lost. This race was quite fun if he was being honest, an exciting thrill to spice up his otherwise boring day. And so he pushed himself harder as the finish line grew steadily closer and closer, even leaning his head forward to gain an extra inch in the hopes it would make up all the difference.

Raylan vs Balsam for Race
Round 2/2
Age: Over 1 year
Size: Extra large
Build: Heavy
Skills: Advanced Fighter & Beginner Navigator